Umm. It is surely New York. Of the '70s.
Robert De Niro was a youngster. ロバートデニーロは若造でした。
Jodie Foster was still a child. ジョディフォスターはまだおこちゃまでした。


"TAXI DRIVER" halved popularity with "ROCKY" in this year.
In these year, there were many impressive works.
"A Bridge Too Far"(1977)(1977/07)
"Smokey and the Bandit"(1977)(1977/07)
"CAPRICORN ONE"(1977)(1977/12)
"Close Encounters of the Third Kind"(1977)(1978/2)
"STAR WARS"(1977)(1978/6)
"SATURDAY NIGHT FEVER"(1977)(1978/7)
"COMING HOME"(1978)(1978/9)
"THE DEER HUNTER"(1978)(1979/3)
"Animal House"(1978)(1979/04)
"THE CHAMP"(1979)(1979/7)
"The China Syndrome"(1979)(1979/09)
"Escape from Alcatraz"(1979)(1979/12)
"Mad Max"(1979)(1979/12)
"Apocalypse Now"(1979)(1980/02)
"Kramer vs. Kramer" (1979)(1980/04)
"Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back"(1980)(1980/6)
"All That Jazz"(1979)(1980/08)
"American Gigolo"(1980)(1980/10)
"Honeysuckle Rose"(1980)(1980/10)
"The Shining"(1980)(1980/12)
"The Blues Brothers"(1980)(1981/3)
"The Elephant Man"(1980)(1981/05)
I watched all these movies in theaters.
I watched "2001: A SPACE ODYSSEY (1968)" by a revival in this time, too.