Dried small fish and perilla seeds boiled in sweetened soy sauce.
It is application of TSUKUDANI (shellfish boiled in sweetened soy sauce) of the Japanese tradition food. 佃煮の応用である。
Harvest ears of the perilla. 大葉の穂を収穫。
Such the Japanese tradition food is the save food of the times when there was not a refrigerator. It prevented corruption by too sweet, too salty seasoning. Such meals deteriorates diabetes, high blood pressure, cerebral hemorrhage and stomach cancer. Grief. この手の料理は冷蔵庫の無い時代の保存食である。甘すぎ塩辛すぎで腐敗を防ぐ。糖尿病、高血圧、脳溢血と胃ガンを悪化させる。南無阿弥陀仏。
Unfortunately it does not resemble the seasoning of my grandmother.
"Léon"(1994)(1995/3) [integral version]
This work was filming in NYC, too. You can confirm the twin tower in the opening sequence. Queen Padmé Amidala was still child.
I own it for some reason. 何故か持ってる。
"NOBU-SONS in CLASSICS" SRCL2189 (1991/11/1)
1.Eine kleine Nachtmusik #1 (K.525): Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
1. アイネ・クライネ・ナハトムジーク 1(モーツァルト)
2.Le Quattro Stagioni "La Primavera" (RV.269): Antonio Lucio Vivaldi
2. 春(ヴィヴァルディ)
3.Le carnaval des animaux "Le cygne": Charles Camille Saint-Saëns
3. 白鳥(サン=サーンス)
4.In a Persian Market: Albert William Ketèlbey
4. ペルシャの市場にて(ケテルビー)
5.Фортепианное концерт ?1: Пётр Ильич Чайковский
5. ピアノ・コンチェルトNo.1(チャイコフスキー)
6.Meditation de Thais: Jules Emile Frédéric Massenet
6. タイスの瞑想曲(マスネー)
7.Nocturne No.2: Frédéric François Chopin
7. ノクターンNo.2(ショパン)
8.Air.sul G BWV.1068: Johann Sebastian Bach
8. G線上のアリア(バッハ)
9.Heidenroslein: Franz Peter Schubert
9. 野ばら(シューベルト)
10.Eine kleine Nachtmusik #2 (K.525): Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
10. アイネ・クライネ・ナハトムジーク 2(モーツァルト)
11. メドレー:フーガト短調「小フーガ」−運命−白鳥の湖−アランフェス・コンチェルト−ツァラトゥストラはかく語りき−威風堂々
Nobu Saito: Percussion
Eiji Shimamura: Drums
Tomohito Aoki: Bass
Hirokuni Korekata: Guitars
Shingo Kobayashi: Keyboards
Toru Shigemi: Keyboards
Kazuyo Sugimoto: Background Vocals
Chika Suzuki: Background Vocals
Tamori: Flugelhorn
Akira Sakata: Alto Sax
Kentaro Haneda: Piano
Eri Okamoto: Violin
Masaki Matsubara: Guitar
Shuichi "Ponta" Murakami: Drums
Hiroko Moriguchi: Chorus
Kenji Urata: Synthesizer Manipulator
I own it for some reason, too. 何故か持ってる。
If my memory is reliable, it is a premium of the PACHINKOs. 1,200 iron balls. 私の記憶が確かならばパチンコの景品。1,200個のパチンコ玉。
"Jealousy" SRCL2001 (1991-07-01)
Is physically weak YOSHIKI cheerful? 体の弱いYOSHIKIは元気なの?